We started to work on the master bathroom last week. We have been working on our plans for it - but we thought we would finish the basement first. Did I mention we are fixing up the basement? It started out just one room, then it was obvious with the mess they were making we might as well finish the 2nd room - which led to - it sure would be easier to fix the master bath with all the ceilings and walls exposed in the basement. So, now there are workmen here all the time, again! It is the same crew that did the Carriage House - so they are great guys. They all love Olive and I have to keep her away from them or they might take her home with them.

This pic is the day they did demo of the existing bathroom. We took everything out of the bedroom (goodbye Cody's old room).
Ah, the lovely dust of construction!

Last week Cody & Graham had their spring break and Slade took them to New York on a business trip. They had a great time, and of course have a great "getting lost" story. I'm sure they will be eager to go again with him sometime.

I haven't even asked how long it will take to wrap up our projects - but progress is being made every day (at least this week!).
We are very excited about being able to reuse our old tile, and the old tub. I can't believe that someday we will have a working tub in this house. Very exciting. And one more bathroom for all six of us to use!