This is from last summer. I don't even remember where we were in the process. Maybe the trench had been dug from the house to the carraige house? There is old clay pipes that run between the two, it is how the house was heated oh so many years ago. There would be coal burned in the carraige house and that heat would travel the clay pipes to heat the house. Slade is always amazed that it was someone's job to keep that coal burning, and how much work that woud be and what a nasty job. The times they have changed. We ran gas piping for our heat and water. Of course we then had to have another trench dug for the electric, and I think one more time for something else? I was the contractor for the carraige house construction, this was our biggest fowl up. Notice the pray flags? Cathy, a good friend from Prairie Crossing, had brought them back to me from Bhutan. They found a nice home on the carraige while we were having folks look at it and tell us how we could save it. Many folks wouldn't even walk in it. Just tear it down some of them said. The prayer flags worked there magic! They will find a new home in a special place in the garden sometime this summer.

This is standing between the carraige house and the sunporch addition. This is where Papa & Clip Clop parked their first RV one summer. Now this is where our grill, table and chairs are.

This is looking out to where our car pad is now. We just set up the basketball hoop and played some HORSE last weekend. Graham and I totally kicked Slade's a**. This must of been after the foundation and basement was poured in the carraige house. Dave (the amazing concrete man) must have had some rough days in that old basement --Hauling out old fallen down walls that weren't up to the load of the structure.

This is all paved now along the stairs. It will be awesome to get green in that space!
I need some pics of the carriage house and backyard as it is now.
ReplyDeletelove, papa
PS> No hurry. Take your time.