Cody turns 15 today. As I write this (at 11:40am) I remember that it was around 11am on September 12, 1992 that he was born.
What an amazing adolescent Cody is. Calling him a child or a kid is so not fitting to him anymore. He is moving into his older years for sure. He is so much taller than me now too. He stands at 5' 10 1/2". Slade wonders if he might pass him up at some point as well.
Cody started High School this year at Minnehaha Academy and is on the soccer team there. He is truly enjoying his time there so far. He has made some good buddies on the soccer team and enjoys getting the excercise. Lugging his backpack around is a work out in itself! But so far he is enjoying his classes. He is taking Art, World History, Geometry, Health, Chemistry,and English.
Cody is truly growing into quite an amazing guy and we are so thrilled that he is part of our family and so proud of how he presents himself outside of the family. He is a great role model for his many younger siblings.
Later today .....
We took Cody (and Seby & Zane - Graham is on the Odyssey trip in Mississippi) out to dinner for his birthday.
Before we left for dinner he opened his presents ...
Thank you Clip Clop & Papa for some cashola! (Thank you note was actually written TONIGHT, in the mail tomorrow)
I saw this elephant t-shirt and I just had to buy it for Cody. When he was little he was crazy about elephants, luckily he hasn't lost interest and wants to wear his new shirt tomorrow!
The big surprise - a new Ipod Nano!
Thank you GranAnn for the earphones and Itunes gift certificate (again thank you note written tonight and to be mailed tomorrow).
No pictures of having a b-day cake as the dinner and dessert that came with it was more than all of us could handle. So the cake will be dessert for tomorrow night.
Happy happy birthday Cody. You are an amazing young man and if my boys turn out 1/2 as mature and caring and aware as you are, I'll be a very happy mom. Give your momma some loving from her sister! :)