It was fun to watch him look around at the world when he first got them. You could just tell everything looked a little different. The doc says it is a very small correction and he may grow out of it.
This is a blanket that Zane made at school. He is especially proud of his "whirlpool" that he quilted in the center.
Here is a pyramid cake that Zane helped Erika make the other day. Zane has been having so much fun the last couple of days going over to Erika's. They have been playing board games, reading books, making cakes. What more would a 5 year old want to do? Graham chuckled and told me he overheard Zane telling Seby "Isn't Erika just the best?" And of course, she is!
The weather has warmed up a few times - it is hard to think of it now as it is rain/sleet/snow/hailing outside right now. It is 2am and I have gone up to the roof twice to sweep up the water - because it was dripping through the ceiling!
I have one more photo of Zane asleep. Trying to stay up late one night during the Spring Break. The boys were all up watching a movie and Zane fell asleep half way in.
Well better go do another sweep of the roof - luckily all the insidle dripping has stopped, but it is pouring outside. Zane is up and in the bed now. He hates storms.
Luckily I was able to carry him upstairs to his bed without any help!
The older boys and I have been getting ready for a fundraiser we are doing thru our church (First Universalists). It is quite an event. I'll have to post about it later. You can check it out at
I have also been busy working on a journal/photo book for the JH's auction item. It is the best site for doing any kind of bound print piece you might want to have. Super user friendly. You can check them out at
I must go to the roof!
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