
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Wall

I don't know what day of work this is - but here is the wall with some of the columns - there will be a few more. The brick might get started tomorrow! The tuckpointing is going well and they might start mudding tomorrow as well. Slade and I are trying to figure out what plants we will have planted from the plans. The plans have a bigger picture of the landscaping then we want to finish at this point. So, we are looking at our books for favorite trees. I love to garden so we might hold off on all the smaller plantings. The fall is my favorite time to buy and plant - best sales then too!


  1. Oh my! What a difference, and how exciting this must be to all of you! It is so much fun for us to watch the changes taking place! It is looking good!

    Thanks for sharing! Keep up the pictures!



  2. OK. Holiday is over. Where are current pics ;o)

    love, daddy

  3. What a great moment of reading blogs.
