Here is the wall it is current phase - needing the limestone caps and the fencing in between the columns. We are putting fencing in because we are also fencing the whole yard. I have a photo of the back yard from the mid-30's and there is a brick wall (now there is only the remains of one column) with columns and white picket fencing in between. I like the look so we are doing it in the front.
This is taken from the front door, the circle is where a fountain will go - we have one in the back and it helps to break up the city noises.
A walk-way to the driveway
The beginning of where a patio will go and the electric for a lamp post.
Aren't the workmen nice? They moved my Obama sign to keep it safe and still in sight.
The window trim painting has been painfully slow and I had to make a few phones calls to yell at people today. Amazing now there are three guys here and they are supposed to be finished by tomorrow afternoon.
Thanks for all the photos! Its so cool to see everything you are up to. Love to you & all the boys, C