We played texas hold 'em tournaments almost every night - and Ann won every tournament! Liz brought up this great poker table from Chicago. She brought me out to the car and said "Here is a poker table I bought, it is just a thrift store find and I can take it back if you don't want it." It looked awful - but because a wood cover was put on the top of the table. Once it was taken off I could see it was a great old find! Liz also took this great shot of the crowd playing. Thank you Liz!

Urris hanging at the lake AND wearing such hip 80s shades!
We also played golf for a day at the George Young Golf course. Slade, Me, Cody, Graham, Lucas, Urris & O'd all played. Urris and I stopped playing around the 10th hole, everyone else stopped shortly after. The downfall was not having a drink or food cart come and deliver to you. Slade says that is how it works on most courses. We were all starving and headed into the club for lunch.
It was a lovely week up at the lake with Slade's family. The weather was a bit cooler as we are used to be up later in the summer. The cool weather didn't stop the tube riders to insist on boating - but nobody used the water skis. We missed having Wes with us and can't wait to hear his stories of his time in Korea!
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