Seby, Zane & I went out Sunday night before T-day -- and we brought our new puppy Olive with us. She was a great traveler and I was even able to get her to poop in the airplane bathroom - no easy feat, but it did happen. Much better than in her carrier! We brought a small kennel that breaks down into two pieces - it just fit in our largest roller bags. Of course I was just over the weight for the bag - but we were not charged extra, I think due to the cute puppy. Olive was making friends all over the airport! She loved her little carrier and slept most of the flight over.
Slade, Cody & Graham arrived late Tuesday night and Seby & Zane had a sleepover with Catie & Becky while I picked them up at the airport. Olive was a good little puppy and slept in her kennel.
On Saturday we all headed up to Berkeley and checked out the campus. We thought it would be good for Cody & Graham to start looking at what a college looks like. It is such a beautiful campus.
We were able to get a snack at Slade's old place of work when he was a teenager - Blondie's Pizza.
After our campus hike we headed up to visit with some friends and took another hike to the famous Cement Slide! We both remember going here as kids and thought it would be fun for our kids to experience it. Kids were using the usual cardboard to go down the slide - but also wax paper! Yikes they really fly down with the wax paper!
Seby and Zane most of their time at the park going down this slide, while Cody and Graham played some catch with the Fairchild boys.
Here are Slade, Tom and all the boys.
I was also able to check out a quilt that Liz and I made for Tom & Judith for their wedding. It was fun to see it again.
It was great trip and so fun to hang out with the family. Thank you Christina, for letting us crash in your wonderful guest house!
We came back to fresh snow on the ground when we arrived at 6am in Minneapolis. Olive seems to love the snow - thankfully as that is what she will be getting a for a while now. We are supposed to get more snow tonight and I can see it has started. Lovely.
And thank you Aunt Kathy for making some of the best cookies we've had in a long time. They were quite the treat and we really appreciated you making them for us and bringing them before we took of! I promise to post weekly to show you how Olive is growing.
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