Graham celebrates his 15th birthday today AND started his driver's ed class. Too much for a mommy. He is growing into quite the young man and has many wonderful qualities that are unique to him - but many that are also right from his daddy. It seems like Cody just got behind the wheel and later this summer we will see Graham do the same.
Graham requested going to Fogo de Chao for his birthday dinner (something we did for Slade's b-day last year). It is an amazing Brazilian restaurant where each person has a token with a green side and a red side. You turn the green side up to have more meat (chicken, beef, pork & lamb). You can have as much as you like and just keep giving the go and stop sign for getting more. They also have a pretty fabulous salad bar. The kids were all pretty excited about going again and we invited Graham's girlfriend, Amara along for the b-day dinner.
Here is Graham getting served,
geez! post already! love, c