zane started to take tae kwon do and is LOVING it!

wisdom day 2009 - see seby in his striped vest? he got to carry the class flag in! this might be the first year we had our own flowers to cut to bring for wisdom day. i guess i should explain what wisdom day is? Here is how the school describes it: Children bring a single flower from fields, florists, and backyards to greet their teachers. The flowers are brought into individual classrooms to create a bouquet.
We began this celebration in 1988 as part of a cultural exchange with Moscow School #31. It is a Russian custom to welcome the youngest children into the school and to remind us all of the privileges and responsibilities of education. Parents and children gather to hear our principal, Paulette Zoë, speak to the LCS families and staff, sing songs that are part of the life of the school community, and welcome the new year of opportunity and learning.
The ceremony concludes with two Children's House students carried upon the shoulders of two Junior High students. They lead the procession entering the school and are the first to be welcomed by Paulette Zoë. Next in line are the Children's House students (beginning with CH1) followed by the Elementary 1, Elementary 2, and Junior High students.

i know my updating is WAY over due - but these pics will have to suffice for now. life has been busy - the kids have been in school for a month. soccer is ending this week for cody & graham. cody takes his drivers test next week! yikes!
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