
Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Garden

The boys are doing much better. We are all learning again about all the safety tips one should remember. There are quite a few actually. I'm still very comfortable with living where we do. I called and left a message for the "Inpector of the Precinct" -- she called me back the same day and was a WOMAN - in charge of my local police station! Coming from Chicago "land of pissy male cops" (except for steve) - it was refreshing to have a female police connection. Also there is a person who's title is "Crime Prevention" - another female. They both emailed me and called me and gave me a lot of information about crime in your hood and how to be safer about it. The one male that I've dealt with had the advise of checking with my local precinct and to ''stay inside."

Knowing that was really lame advise I have spent time every day watering in the front yard. But no walking in the neighborhood at night. I am going to go on the next hood walk that a local group puts together. I think it might be this Tuesday night. They meet at a restaurant and then walk the streets for a while.

We have a lot in bloom right now. I do love the garden (it is WAY better than the gravel and dirt of the past two years) - but I can't wait for a more "lived in" garden. Everything looks so planned to me, and too controlled looking. I like it when the flowers and plants go different directions in the garden.

The bee, the bee, see the bee???

Erika and I went to a nursery and bought flowers for all the front yard containers.

this is the water in the fountain. we bought an awesome fountain from costco.

we bought vegies from the lcs plant sale (the kid's school) and love picking salad before dinner. tonight we had a great one with romaine, bib, dill, chives - then we added tomatoes and black olives from the store. the kids eat more when they know it was something that was grown at the land school (lcs's farm school). zane is thrilled that the banana pepper plant he picked out is starting to have peppers grow he is also amazed at seeing all the different buds that will become peppers.


  1. Beautiful pictures, Michelle!

    love, daddy

  2. Oh Michelle!
    The pictures are GREAT - what beautiful flowers! I would love to see your garden, even without the free flowering plants you want!
    I am also glad to learn that the female officers are responding so well.
    Let us know how the "hood evening walk" turns out. Good for you to get so involved (though it's not surprising!)
    Thanks for posting - by the way, your love for gardening puts me in mind of May Sarton's book "At Seventy".....

  3. amazing pictures, michelle! You have really captured the macro. I still haven't been able to get my macro to do that. sigh.

  4. kit, i don't think i used my macro setting for any of these photos. chrissy was just showing me how to use it when we were at the lake last week. glad you like them!
