
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

shit shit shit

so tonight i'm sitting on the couch that is on the 2nd floor back porch. i'm on the laptop doing i don't even remember what. then i see two guys walking thru the yard! now it is 1am, and we have a locked gate that they had to jump. so i grab the phone and call 911, while i'm on the phone with them i see them jump the fence in the back. it totally freeked me out and i'm so glad that i had the outside house lights on AND that the alarm is set. slade just happens to be away in new york. then, i go to bed and start to open this blog and the FUCKING phone rings. scares me that it is the alarm company saying they are getting an alarm signal (it has happened before). it is the cops. they just caught two guys two blocks away that fit the exact description i gave them. i could come down and make a citizens arrest for trespassing. slade isn't home, i can't leave the kids and do this. last week i had to call 911 for hearing and then SEEING gun shots in the alley. i couldn't wake up cody (and graham would wake up too) and tell them this. they would be freaked the whole time i was gone. i would be freaked going to the car and driving to and from there. ugh. i know some of you think we should move from this neighborhood, but the more this happens the more it makes me want to stay. some sickness i have, but it's my neighborhood too. i love the diversity of the folks that live in our hood. sadly it makes me feel privliged to have only these violent experiences in our lives. when i think of what goes on in other countries, how some families have to live with extreme violence and death. too much cnn. i wish i could of done my civic duty, but i was too scared. just more reasons to get more involved in the police and their efforts in our hood! once school starts i'll figure out where i could get involved. i'm calmer now and can go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear of your experience, dear Michelle. No one needs to be frightened like you were.

    All my love, daddy
