Here is Cody getting onto the bus, the kids were moving fast and I only got this one pic.
At least I was able to get a good pic of Graham when he got on. They have both been riding their bikes to school for the last month or so, at least whenever the weather is good. They were thrilled once when they were riding and got caught in a down pour. Hopefully there won't be many of those this week.
Sebastian was so excited about going to the Land School for his three day trip. He was very worried that he was going to miss his bus this morning, it was pretty funny. Every few minutes he would ask "is it time to go?"
Though Zane will miss his brothers very much, he is having some fun on the newly, partially finished play structure. Still we don't have the sod in, hopefully tomorrow.
You can see in this pic, besides my beautiful boy riding his razor - the new brick containers that were built last week. There are two of these that border the yard (soon to be covered with sod!!!) and our walk-way.
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