Here is a pic of my mom (Clip Clop) with the boys on our visit to San Felipe over spring break.
My mom is in the hospital in Akron, Ohio. She has some blood clots in her lungs and possibly around the heart.
Here is the description in an email from Christina:
"Her symptoms started yesterday when visiting her friend Carol at City Hospital - she was feeling short of breath after climbing the stairs. Then at 1am this morning, she was having trouble breathing - woke up dad. She started feeling better & went back to bed.
They called advice nurse in the morning - the advice nurse was not concerned and said to bring it up during her scheduled appt that day w/ the surgeorn who was to examine her leg. So they went to her 3:20pm appt at the Kaiser medical office.
They were telling the intake nurse about her breathing problem - this nurse went out, brought back 2 more nurses, they hooked her to an EKG and then called 911.
Fire fighters arrived. They got mom ready for transport and asked Dad if he'd follow in his own car. He asked if they were going lights & sirens, they said no - so he said, "sure, i'll follow in my car." Then he mentioned that his son-in-law was a firefighter in CA.
Everyone leaves, he goes out to his car, looks around for the ambulance and hears the sirens already fading in the distance. Apparently, they decided to go code 3 after all - not sure if it was because of Chet or not ;)
The EKG was clear. I'm not sure what the normal protocols are but again, she's to be on a heart monitor.
I'm not sure of the status of her leg - the Kaiser surgeon said he could come by the hospital to see her tomorrow morning."
Needless to say I'm sure it was a surprise to have such an emergency going on for her. She was just supposed to get her infection looked at.
My sister's think this is her way of telling us she wants more flowers, but just in case we are all coming out to see her. Chris, is flying there as we speak and I am flying out tomorrow morning. Our sister Kitty is flying in from Mexico the next day. Luckily my brother Paul was in a nearby state doing a job and was driving to surprise visit them when he got the call of her going into the hospital. He arrived yesterday and I'm sure has been a great support for Daddy. My younger brother's, Joe & John, are being kept up to date on her progress.
Her prognosis is good; it should take 5-7 days for the blood thinners to do their job on the clots and then she will go on blood thinners for at least 6 months for follow-up. These folks aren't used to needing to see doctors as much as they have needed to this year, I'm sure this is a real blow to their spirits and gypsy blood. My parents have come out to help me in many a medical issue - if not my own, then for one of my children. I just want to go and see Mom and hopefully support Daddy too. It was a good place for her to have a medical need - both my parents were born in Akron and have many relatives nearby. And she will just get to have more visitors.
Any good vibes you can send their/our way would be great.
Here is a pic of Papa and Cip Clop hanging in the hot springs they took us to in San Felipe. Hang in there Papa, reinforcements are on the way!
I must also add that Cody has walking pneumonia this week, the poor guy has had some rough time with his asthma these last few years. His doc had us do a CF test today and it was NEGATIVE, I had to wait to get those results before I could book my flight to go to Akron. If that came back positive it would of pushed me right over the edge. Whew!
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