We had to do two trips to Farm & Fleet (and now Slade is on his third trip) to purchase some garden fencing to keep Miss Olive out of the bedding plants and from digging up the irrigation system! While there there was too good of a sale on a canoe that Slade couldn't pass it up. Last summer he took the kids and the cousins on a very exciting river ride in the canoe that resulted in much damage to the canoe. It is in need of much repair before it can be used again.
Here is the current status of the basement - so close to being done. There is just a punch list of items to make it complete - but we hope by the end of the week we can start moving into the space - of course at that time we will head up the lake house for Memorial Day weekend - but it should be finished.
You can see from the lovely "stain glass" in the bathroom - the "brick" wall with indian head and horse head - we kept some of the older "features" to the basement. We just couldn't demolish everything and start anew - so we kept the bathroom as simple as possible - we ended up just painting all the ugly wood siding and we promise we will replace the bright orange toilet seat.
The fireplace is just an electric deal to add some heat to the space - and it looks pretty cool. There is also an old "relief" that was in the basement when we bought the house and we will mount this above the fireplace.
We are ready to have a family movie night down there! And I see some sleepovers coming our way as well.
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