Slade, Graham, Seby, Olive, & I helped install the fountain today. Well, really Slade did it - but at certain points he needed us to help. Seby filled it with water, Olive thought it was a huge bowl of water for her and came to drink up when Seby was filling. I guess I can't really say that she helped in that manner - but she had fun watching. This isn't exactly the kind of a fountain I wanted for the front - but we put off buying one for so long and we found this one on such a great clearance price that we just had to do it. I think it looks great, even if the style isn't "classic" like the rest of the house. Right now we just have an cord giving it power - tomorrow the electrician arrives to finish installing the outlet, then we can cover the base with dirt and plant!
Here is Olive with her summer buzz cut. Well, really I forgot to give her a frontline treatment before we went up to the lake house last weekend. When so many of us were finding ticks and I couldn't find one on her I knew they were hiding. So off I took her to the groomer who shaved her down. Then I found 10 ticks! I just gave her the first monthly applications she will get until November 1st. Too bad they don't make frontline for humans! Actually that sounds gross, never mind.
Oh, I think it looks great! Thanks for the update and pictures!