The master bath/bedroom are so close to being done - yet, it isn't. Today the big dilemma was that the last box of glass tile (that we are using as a three tile high stripe around the shower) was a slightly larger tile than the 5 previous boxes. ugh. Nasty person on the phone when I called to try and figure it out - I was so pissed that I just hung up on her. I was quickly swept up in other issues that needed my attention - from the basement - which also is so close to being done. Luckily a more prepared customer service person called me to figure out the tile issue. They think they have the correct ones and are shipping them to us. We only need 11 tiles to finish the job.
I am so excited about using these green glass tiles. I have always wanted to use glass tiles and am glad that we have finally found the right project for them. We are also very happy about how the wainscoting is turning out. We probably have another full day of trim work to be finished in the bathroom and bedroom. All the baseboard trim had to be removed in the master bedroom when we re-wired the room.
Can you see where we replaced a huge area of tiles in the 2nd floor bathroom? We salvaged all the old tile from the master bath and just didn't have enough to finish off the job - and we made many changes to use less tiles. So, at the last minute (when we were told there weren't enough) I made the executive decision to "steal" the same kind of old tile from our existing bathroom on the 2nd floor - the only bathroom we use. They took quite a bit and I made them PROMISE to replace them immediately with any tile they could find as a match. I'm actually quite happy with how it turned out and am glad that Slade has been out of town for it and didn't have to shower with a huge patch of tile missing from the bath. He really didn't want to do it this way - but like I said I had to make the executive decision.
When we are done with the project how soon do you think we will start another one? Slade keeps saying "when" we finish the third floor - and I have started to say "never."
Thanks for posting the pictures. We are all waiting with you, for the completion of this huge job. Please continue documenting the progress,and Congratulations on achieving so much success in the construction!