
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Can anybody get married?

My sister sent me an email asking me to donate to a worthy cause - after making my donation I told her that she and I should both post about this need. She posted on her blog first and I can't think of any better way to say than she has ...

Hey folks - it’s a political see-saw around here these days. Obama’s chances are looking up, but here in CA, Prop 8 is struggling. Here’s the deal: right now, gays are allowed to marry in California. If Prop 8 passes, that right will be taken away. Religious groups are pumping millions of dollars into the Yes on 8 campaign. Polls are showing growing support for Prop 8. If you can, please donate anything - even $10 - to the No on 8 campaign. I know times are tight and it’s hard to give money with the fear everyone has of their financial security - but if you could forgo a couple of expressos or lattes or a dinner out (you elitist, you) - that money could go to protecting equality in our society.


Why do I care? Mostly, I believe that everyone is equal. I believe that everyone should be treated equally under the law. If a particular religious sect doesn’t want to grant gay marriages, it is their absolute right to refuse to marry gays. However, our constitution grants every person equal civic rights. And I believe that to protect our democracy we must uphold those rights.

Then I think about children. According to the American Psychological Association (and, more convincingly, conversations with gay friends), homosexuality is an inborn trait. You can’t “make” someone become gay or stop being gay. In large part, due to discrimination against gays, the suicide rates for gay teens are much greater than their straight counterparts. One study shows that while straight and gay teens attempt suicide at equal rates, gay teens are two to six TIMES more likely to try again. I don’t want that to be my kid. Or any kid I know. Or any child at all. I want all children, especially teens, to know that their future can include marriage if they choose it. How heartbreaking it must be to realize that your society is trying to limit your future just as you are starting to create it.

For all these reasons and more please support this cause.

Shouldn't everyone be able to realize their childhood dream of getting married?


  1. I have tried for the last 45 minutes to donate.

    I keep getting a "no" response. I have entered ALL the correct information, and still get a refusal.

    I'll send them a check in the mail, but I worry about folks like me who want to do it on line. I've sent them an email to that effect, but want to warn folks that if they encounter the wall that I did - don't stop there. Send them a check.

  2. I could cut and paste my response to Christina's blog, but will say only that I am so proud of the way you two deal with situations such as this.

    You make me the proudest mother in the world.


