
Friday, May 18, 2007

More Trees!

The area with the containers will be where a large brick contianer will be. There was a plant sale at the school this week and it was much fun to buy plants that we will soon be able to plant!! The dark area is where they laid compost today - the sod will go down next week. It is fun to watch the daily progress.


  1. Oooooooo...... Looks nice! How many cars will be able to come in from the alley?

    love, papa

  2. Two cars can fit on the parking pad. The rest that might look like more concret is pavers for walking, not driving. Then one day (many years from now) we will put a garage in the corner where the trailer is (and gain the 8 feet behind the fence as well. But that is a long way off.

  3. Thanks! I love pavers. I always wanted to re-do the driveway at our apartment in Oakland with them. In that case they'd have to be drive-over-able.

    love, papa

  4. our pavers guy was going to make it driveable and i said no. there are lots of "issues" with the pavers and several spots have to be re-done. probably should of been done after the landscaping.

  5. The picture is great, and I only wish we could be up there to help plant the flowers, etc.
    Will there be room for a lilac bush? We'll buy if you can find one.
    It is so much fun to watch the process. Thanks for sharing the pictures!

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