
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

You can't make this up...

My first "note home" with four boys, I'm very pleased. Of course these days it isn't a "note home" - it is an email.

Email from Zane's teacher to myself and two other parents:


I just wanted to let you know about an incident that happened on the playground today. N and Zane were brought in from recess by the playground supervisor because they had been fighting. After talking to N, Zane, B and L, I put together that there were two separate games going on: "Godzilla" and "House". Somehow the two games merged and well. . . let's just say that the two worlds collided. In the end, no one was very clear about how it started exactly, but they all agreed that it was N and Zane who were fighting and that B had just pushed a little bit.

Anyway, we had some serious discussions about appropriate and respectful play. I reminded them that we had had a discussion as a whole afternooner group not too long ago about not playing any kinds of games that involve attacking or pushing or hurting in any way, not even pretending. We had agreed as a whole group that the consequence would be that if someone engaged in this kind of inappropriate play, they would have to stay in from recess the next day. So, N, Zane and B will be staying in from recess tomorrow. I wanted to let you know in case they mentioned it to you at home tonight.


My reply:

Peggy, Beth & Andrea,

I have to say that this made me laugh quite a bit. Beth and I have been emailing all day about getting Noah & Zane together, so this is pretty timely?

To give some input on Zane's side I will share the following:
Zane has been "attacking" Sebastian in the last few months. By that I mean fist-fight attacking. We have talked to them both about it and have brought Graham & Cody into our talks as it was something they went thru around the same ages, Graham being the attacker. Graham stopped hitting Cody when Slade told Cody to hit Graham back. It wasn't my first choice, but it never came to that. Zane seemed shocked by the idea that Seby could hit him back, and it seemed to do the trick as it has stopped here at home, maybe he is trying to share it at school?

Thanks for the heads up, tonight when I asked Zane if he wanted to do a camp with Noah this summer his response was "yes, i love noah that would be fun" - nothing else. So I will ask him in the morning about it.

Sorry my kid was being a bully, but his middle name is Danger. (I couldn't resist pointing that out!)



  1. Michelle:

    I hope everyone thought to verify the game "House" was not really "Doctor." :)

    love, daddy

  2. As you all were growing up and I complained to your father and worried over the aggressiveness of P, J and J --- your father often responded, "Oh, boys will be boys!"

    Can't say I ever thought that made it okay, but I have no doubt that as usual, the school and you and Slade handle these things so well.

    From Zane's last remarks, sounds as though peace has descended and all is well!


  3. I keep getting a kick out of Zane, "What?, You mean when I hit Sebastian he's allowed to hit me?" Life is SO unfair.....

    love, daddy
